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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Tales of Tuscarora

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The Story of Tuscarora: Beginnings


“To God Be The Glory”

If you’ve been to Tuscarora, this quote should be familiar to you as it’s inscribed on the wall of The Olsen Activity Center. It’s a part of our history! 

There’s no better way to describe it… it’s because of God’s faithfulness that we’ve been able to exist over the last 50 years as a ministry. That countless lives have been changed, people refreshed, families brought together, and memories have been made. To God be the Glory!

It’s amazing to look back over the last 50 years and celebrate all that God has done. To think about that faithful group of core founders who had vision for what Tuscarora could be, and to see how God has developed that vision into what Tuscarora is today.

Look back with us over the next two weeks as we share some videos here that tell the story of Tuscarora’s beginning, the journey traveled to get to where we are today, and the exciting vision for the future.

You can be a part of this amazing journey, of the work that God is doing here at Tuscarora! 

Consider giving to Tuscarora this year-end, and join all those who have gone before in trusting God with the vision of a Christian retreat center that serves so many.