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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

The Story of Tuscarora: Challenges

Tales of Tuscarora

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The Story of Tuscarora: Challenges


“His faithfulness spans from generation to generation”

Years 2002 - 2022

After 30 years of incredible service, Herb Jacobson retired as Tuscarora’s Executive Director, and Brian Abrahamsen stepped into this role. Brian was able to walk alongside Herb prior to this leadership transition, learning and being mentored by him for 16 years, and was excited and challenged to step into his new role.

Exciting growth happened over these years at Tuscarora: a number of new groups and churches began to come to Tuscarora from the New York City area, bringing revival and growth of the gospel in the big city so close to our Tuscarora home. In 2016, we also added our new Overlook Building, home to staff during certain seasons and guests throughout the year!

Tuscarora also faced a number of challenges throughout the last 20 years. Multiple episodes of flooding affected Tuscarora’s property in the early 2000s, and most recently Covd-19 affected day-to-day operations. Tuscarora had to navigate loss of income from in-person conferences, damaged property due to flooding, and the difficulty of navigating closing and reopening multiple times under various regulations due to the pandemic.

But even through these difficult times, God has shown His faithfulness as volunteers worked hard to clean up and restore our grounds after flooding, and supporters gave generously to help the ministry through financial hardship when operations and programs weren’t running as normal.

It’s amazing to see God’s hand at work through it all, and we are thankful. His faithfulness spans from generation to generation, He never fails us.

Join us this year-end, as we look to and invest in the future of Tuscarora with our Standing on the Promises campaign. Updating various buildings to better serve our guests is a high priority in the years to come, and the support of our generous community will help get us there.

To learn more and to give, click here.

Consider giving to Tuscarora this year-end, and join all those who have gone before in trusting God with the vision of a Christian retreat center that serves so many.